Thursday, January 04, 2007

This is getting a little insane.

So, I thought my feet were sexy when they were too swollen to wear my own shoes. Well. Apparently, my feet just weren't sexy enough, so they decided that it would be better if they swelled up enough that I CAN'T EVEN WEAR MY OWN SOCKS. That's right. I am now wearing Armondo's socks. Oh, and yeah, I have stretch marks on my feet now. And my calves. My calves are as big as my thighs right now. The sexiness is killing me. I look at my feet and I want to make out with them. That's how sexy it is. You wish your feet were as sexy as mine. I know you do. I could post a new picture, but I wouldn't want to be responsible for all the slobber you'd leave on the screen when you tried to virtually make out with my feet.


Hillary said...

HAH! I don't know whether to laugh or be afraid at the idea of you making out with your feet!!

It WILL get better! It will!

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing so hard!! You're the best!

Please....please resist the urge to make out with them though!

Anonymous said...

Oh no.... I honestly DO want to see this. :)

K. said...

Good grief! And I thought MY feet swelled bad with my first pregnancy. You have won the award. Now prop those puppies up and know that you don't have much longer now...

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's sad of me...or sick...but I would be very interested in seeing feet and ankles that are as big as calves! C'mon....just one little picture?!

Anonymous said...

You are about to get a whole load of new readers coutesy of Google after that post!

Anonymous said...

okay...I've been thinking about it, and I really want a picture of these feet......

Erin said...

You poor thing! Hope you're feeling better, and hope the baby arrives soon to make you more comfortable. Show us the cankles!

Anonymous said...

That was the best blog I've read in a long time!!! I didn't get swollen feet until the day after I got home from the hospital and I had to wear Cliff's socks too!