Friday, September 22, 2006


There are a lot of things to complain about when you're pregnant, but it's not the nausea, the heartburn, the lack of comfortable sleep postions, the constant peeing, the kicks in the bladder and ribs, or the exhaustion that really tick me off...

It's the emotional overdrive. TV is a tearful hell for me. Getting my kid her shots is a blubber fest. Seeing signs on the street for a family pic nic is a total tear jerker.

I can't try on clothes without tearing up, I can't watch trailers for movies that I probably won't ever watch without getting a lump in my throat. You tube videos of kittens falling asleep? I'm a mess.

Please, my dear readers and friends, PLEASE, if I EVER talk about wanting to get pregnant again, PLEASE remind me. I so don't want to be this crazy again!


Twisted Cinderella said...

I know exactly what you mean. When I got pregnant, my first test at the hospital came out negative. I told Prince Charming that I knew I had to be pregnant because I was either pregnant or losing my mind.

Melora said...

Judging by your last pregnancy, will you have to deal with this the whole time, or is it a phase? Sounds rough! I was a crabby pregnant woman, but not particularly weepy, but since my kids were born, I haven't been able to read or hear about bad stuff happening to little kids without getting very upset.

Suburban Turmoil said...

Try having a husband who says "This is the pregnancy, isn't it?" EVERY SINGLE TIME I get upset. So what if it is? That's absolutely NOT what you want to hear at the time! ;)

CeCe said...

TC~Welcome! and, Well, good thing it was pregnancy!

Melora~The emotional thing will probably last through the whole thing and well into nursing, but then, I'm the same as you... I can't read or see bad stuff happen to kids!

Sub T.~Welcome to you as well! Yeah, that's not cool. Dismissing the feelings just makes it worse! My husband isn't around to see all of the outbursts, but when he IS home, he often gently laughs and gives me a hug!

Erin said...

Wow, sounds like you're riding an emotional roller coaster with this pregnancy. Was your pregnancy with Cherry like this, or is this one different? I hope it gets better soon!

CeCe said...

Erin~It was the same with Cherry, and to be honest, I'm not sure if I'll ever change now that I have children!

Laurie~Those ones are the worst!