Saturday, May 27, 2006

A Quickie.

Grad ceremonies are long and boring.

Cherry is now saying "Cat", but it sometimes comes out as "tat". She also may or may not be saying "Ma Ma". (yay!)

For the third "event" in a row, I've forgotten my camera at home.

I now have to go watch The Godfather, because Ellen told me to.


Kim said...

You are going to have fun deciphering her new language:o) One of my nieces had the hardest time pronouncing her "K". The funniest was when she would try to say "kitty" and it always came out "titty". She finally got the hang of her "K" and doesn't say "titty" and more:o)

Anonymous said...

Who had a grad ceremony? Maybe SIL? Grad never changes...there's always someone with nothing under the gown too...

CeCe said...

Debambam~Of COURSE! she saying it! And yeah, no one would really care about the stuff we're doing anyway!

Kim~I love this stage with all the new words and sounds!

Tricia~Yeah, SIL. And they do it a bit different there. They all wear their grad dresses and tuxes, so I doubt anyone would be naked.