My little girl is 3years old today! We're not having a party for her until Sunday, but we gave her her presents from us today.
Then we were off to the next town to go to Walmart for the obligatory birthday portraits. All day, we told her to be good 'cause she had presents waiting for her at home. Weeks ago, she discovered one of her presents, which at the time we told her it was hers for her birthday, and that she'd have to wait until then to have it. Then we hid it in the basement hoping that she'd forget about it. (Knowing full well she wouldn't forget, of course.)
Anyway, while we were eating lunch in the Mc D's in Walmart, I was reminding Cherry that she had presents waiting for her at home. All of a sudden, her face lit up, then she shrieked with happiness "A Dora Dress up Box!! I've got a Dora Dress up box!" We giggled, then, as her excitement built up, she stood up on her chair, and announced to the whole restaurant "Hey Everybody! I have a Dora dress up box at home for my birthday!!!!!" Needless to say, the room cracked up.
A Barbie Vanity that turns into a Castle! We made the present "from Peach" in the hopes that Cherry would be more willing to share and play together with her little sister. Sharing seems to be a problem these days, and in spite of our best efforts, Cherry was still very hesitant to share. We're going to have to work on that!
It's been a long day, so I'm going to end this post there.
I really want to do a virtual tour for y'all, but that will have to wait for another day.
hable espanglish?
what kind of comment is that ? crazy people...
dude she is getting so big, i am happy that you love it in your new town and that the family is well.
happy bday cherry !!!
Stephen~it's okay, I get the comment! Hola!
Candi~Dora speaks Spanish and English... that's what the comment was about! And yes, my baby is getting WAY too big!
They both look so different from the last posts. My goodness what time does
Hiya Missy!
Thanks for the virtual update! Great to see pics of your "more bigger, more beautifuller girls!!!"
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