Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hallowe'en Sneak Peak: Flying Poodle Baby!

Click here to watch a super funny, cute and shocking video of my kid being a dare devil in her Hallowe'en costume!

And just so you all know, 'cause you've shown concern: This was the second time she had attempted this, the first time I was too far away to grab her, and she landed just fine. This one time was the only time she landed funny, and she's totally fine. She has since tried this act another half dozen times or so, and LOVES it!


Erin said...

What a cute costume - you'd better watch out, here comes PoodleBaby!

CeCe said...

Erin~Yeah, it is cute. I really like making costumes instead of buying them, but this year, there's no realistic way that I'm going to have the time or energy to make one! Cherry just loves it!

moi + toi PHOTOGRAPHIE said...

oh my god that scared me. i thought she was going to hurt her neck. yup, shes a daredevil.

CeCe said...

Candice~Yeah, she totally fell the wrong way! It took me a split second before I started laughing, 'cause I needed to know she was ok! And she was, and now, every time I watch it, I bust a gut.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I thought she was gonna break her neck!

Ryann said...

glad to see you're one of those paranoid moms who try to protect their child from everything.. NOT!! hahahaha nice one

catch the baby?? Hell no... let's tape it!!! hahaha

Kim said...

Oh, I like the costume. What fun you are going to have raising a dare devil. My niece is like that, as soon as she could crawl she was up on things and falling off.

Melora said...

Absolutely adorable (Travis and Katie were looking over my shoulder and made me run it twice -- they thought it was hilarious). I am impressed that you didn't drop the camera when she dived, though. Like some of your other readers, I'd have been worried about her neck. Katie was the same way at that age -- climbing tables and bookshelves, and absolutely fearless.

Anonymous said...

dardevil are you people crazy she could have broken her neck that was neither cute nor funny that was completly irresponsible who watches that let alone video tape it very very disturbing

CeCe said...

Anon~ Thank you for your concern. Please be assured that she is totally fine, and I had no idea that she was going to land that way. She recovered quite quickly and showed no signs of either being hurt or upset. Wait until you have kids. Your kids will do similar things, I promise you.

Anonymous said...

i think anon 1 had it right i have kids and would NEVER let them do that. Comon what did u think as going to happen. Seemed funny leading up but a paralyzed child would be a travesty. Think more about child safety and less about a funny blog.

Anonymous said...

Why do anonymous troll asshole commenters always have such a poor grasp of spelling and grammar?

Very cute, Cece. Amazing the things come up with, isn't it?