Monday, July 03, 2006

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Armondo called today. He's coming home on the 18th! HA HA HA HA HA HA!...

For those of you who haven't been following along, just take a look at that ticker up on the right.

Get it now?! That's right. He's missing his daughter's first birthday.

I'm re-scheduling the party, so I guess Cherry wouldn't even notice the difference.

Doesn't make me any less pissed off. I don't know exactly who or what I'm pissed at, 'cause it's beyond both his and my control, but I'm pissed none the less.

A while ago, one of the guys on the boat broke his foot (I mentioned that already), and when they went into dock, they fueled up the boat, expecting to have to run a couple of extra days. Well, now, the company who owns the boat has said that they have to run the boat until they run out of fuel. Meaning an extra 10 days of fishing for the crew.



Erin said...

He's been kidnapped by a boat! I'd be upset, too. I hope he comes home with lots of money to make up for it. ;-)

Kim said...

That's terrible that he is missing her fist birthday, but hopefully the longer trip will help financially.

K. said...

Aw. :( So sorry he won't get to be there. I know how upset I am when my Marine misses important events like that due to his work. We just deal with it best we can and move on. Doesn't make us mommies any happier about it tho.....

CeCe said...

Erin~Yeah, no doubt! I like that "kidnaped by a boat." And yeah, hopefully the $$ will be worth it.

Mr Fab~Good, 'cause I was feeling pretty scary when I wrote it!

Kim~Yeah, hopefully.

K.~I'm so bad at dealing with being upset though! I get so angry and put off.

Anonymous said...

That sucks. At least you can watch the video he made for the babe and imagine...

What does she think of the video anyway? You never told us how she reacted to it.

At least fishing isn't like it used to be, when my dad would go away for months (like 3 or so) at a time. I know that doesn't make it better.

CeCe said...

Tricia~She laughed and giggled when she saw it the first time, and she sort of does the actions to one of the songs. She likes it, but gets a bit bored with the story parts, but loves the singing parts.