Saturday, July 01, 2006


So, today we went to our friends' house and celebrated the annual BBBB party. (That's Beer, Bocci, Bbq, Bash). We go there every year on July first to celebrate R.'s birthday and Canada Day. This is the second year in a row that I've been pregnant, so I haven't taken part in the "beer" the past couple of times, but I still go and have a good time. This year there were plenty of little ones there and Cherry really seemed to enjoy herself. All the photos I took were crappy, including this one, so I'm hoping that I get emailed some good ones!


Erin said...

Looks like fun. What is Bash? A party?

CeCe said...

Erin~Kind of like the monster mash. Yeah, Bash is a party. I didn't realize that it was a coliqualism or whatever that word is.

Anonymous said...

We did something very similar, bbq, dogs, multitudes of children and food, a pool and of course the beer. No bocci for us though...

(and home by 10...we're getting old!) lol

ninjapoodles said...

Only in Alaska, I think, they don't know "bash."

And that child of yours has NEVER taken a bad picture. And you are young and pretty with a sharp haircut happenin', so, like, shut up.

Kim said...

Your photo looked nice and Cherry is cute as ever.

Soundsl ike fun:o)

CeCe said...

Tricia~and isn't that what Canada Day is all about?!

Belinda~Well, thank you, but I meant more that the picture was bad because of the shadows, not how we looked...

Debambam~Well thank you, see what I wrote to Belinda...


CeCe said...

Mr Fab~ I actually saw a vehicle from Florida yesterday! I was wondering who in their right mind would drive all the way from Florida!

Anonymous said...

Seems like you had a fun day. I'm spending the next few days moving and unpacking, but I will have a beer for ya!

K. said...

How could a pic of you and your Cherry together possibly be bad? ;)

I would love an ice cold beer right now. Between pregnancies and nursing, I barely remember what beer even tastes like.....

joyce said...

You mean FAB and not BAD.
You both look radiant.

CeCe said...

Kristina~Actually, I don't even drink beer, so, can you make that a daquiri?!

K.~It tastes gross, actually. I'm not a big fan of beer. You're not missing anything, I'm sure.
