Thursday, March 23, 2006

It's a New Day!

Welcome to my new blog!

It's time to get to know the REAL me. Censors are not allowed! I've been working too much on the template tonight to actually write a real post, but I will be back soon!


ninjapoodles said...

Hmmmmm.....the mind boggles. Do hurry; I'm all atwitter with anticipation!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, me too. Atwitter. I like that word. I'm stealing it from Belinda. *nod*

Anonymous said...

Frickin' awesome! SO excited to see what's in store for us. Just to clarify -- is this blog address given out selectively - and thus can't be linked from my lj?

CeCe said...

Oh geez, you guys might be putting a little too much faith into this new blog, thinking it's going to be some sort of opus or something!!

Sarah~Link away, not a problem. The people I'm "hiding" from probably won't be going to your lj. Esp. since I took away my blogroll on the Zoo.

Erin said...

Ooh! I found it! Your comment from your new profile was on my blog, hidden like an easter egg. *grins*

By the way, I love the header - so cute. Would you like me to blogroll your new blog, or not?

Evan said...

Carry on champ

CeCe said...

Thanks for the encouragement guys! And I would love to be blogrolled!